Social Value in Procurement

Social Value is defined by The Social Value Portal as:

“An umbrella term for the wider economic, social and environmental effects of an organisations activities. Organisations that make a conscious effort to ensure that these effects are positive can be seen as adding social value by contributing to the long-term wellbeing and resilience of individuals, communities and society in general.”

In October 2020, Gloucester City Council adopted its Social Value Policy 2020-2022. This policy outlines how the City Council intends to deliver social value through procurement. For contracts exceeding £50,000 in value, the City Council will require potential suppliers to submit details on how they will  deliver social value through delivery of the contract. This will be given a total 10% weighting on assessment of submissions.

Social Value deliverables across the five following areas:

  • Promoting local skills and employment (Jobs)
  • Supporting growth of responsible regional business (Business)
  • Creating healthier, safer and more resilient communities (Social)
  • Protecting and improving our environment (Environment)
  • Promoting social innovation (Innovation)

The National Social Value Measurement Framework (the ‘National TOMs’) will be used to embed Social Value in Gloucester City Council’s procurement process, and contract manage its delivery through regular data entry and reporting.

The National TOMs Framework contains 5 principal issues or ‘Themes’, 20 core ‘Outcomes’ and 48 core ‘Measures’ (‘TOMs’):

  • Themes – overarching strategic themes
  • Outcomes – objectives or goals that will realise the delivery of the Themes
  • Measures – specific and measurable initiatives or activities that can be delivered to achieve the Outcomes.

The National TOMs Framework is designed to provide Measures that suppliers can deliver as part of their local authority contracts. A customised version of the National TOMs will be used to measure the additional Social Value generated through Gloucester City Council’s procurement process. Further information on the TOMs framework can be found here.

Further information on what this means for applying for GCC tenders over the value of £50,000 for can be found in the documents below: