Business Grants

Future grant funding availability

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Gloucester City Council’s latest Business Grant Scheme was highly commended by the Federation of Small Business (FSB) for “Best Small Business Friendly Support Programme” in 2018.

Gloucester City Council has previously offered a range of grant funding opportunities to help our business community realise their aspirations and potential to grow. We recognise that a network of strong businesses- on our High Street, in our business parks and on our industrial estates- contribute directly to making our city a great place to live, work and relax in.

Options for future business support are being assessed, with an update on what this means for city council grant funding availability to be made in the near future. If you would like to be contacted directly when this information is available, please get in touch with our team on the contact details below.

In the meantime, we would encourage any business seeking grant funding opportunities, or advice on the funding opportunities available, to contact our Economic Development Team for further advice and support.

Contact us

Phone  01452 396 974 or