Report an Empty Property

Empty Homes or dilapidated properties

If you are the owner of an empty property that has been empty for more than 2 years, because you can’t afford to do essential works to make it habitable for selling or renting, you could benefit from a​​ scheme that can assist you to upgrade your property to Decent Homes Standard. For further information, or if  you are concerned about a vacant or dilapidated property​ please contact the City Council on 01452 396 396 or email

Where properties have been left empty for a long period of time, become derelict or are the cause of nuisance and anti social behaviour, enforcement action will be considered to require the owner to carry out necessary remedial work and we will also encourage the owner bring the property back into use. In the most serious case we will consider Compulsory Purchase, Enforced Sale or Empty Dwelling Management Orders to ensure the property is re-occupied.

For more information please read our Empty Homes Strategy (PDF, 68.9 KB) .