Participate in Council and Committee Meetings

You can attend any council or committee meeting that is held in public and if you want to raise an issue at a meeting you can: 

  • Ask a question 
  • Present a petition 
  • Make a speech requesting the Council take some action (also called a deputation) 

To take part you will need to let us know in advance and follow the rules set out in the council’s Constitution.  

If you are unsure how council and committee meetings work, or require any support in order to participate, you can email or telephone 01452 396203. 

Have a look at our list of Committees to find out which meeting is right for the issue you are interested in and check the Calendar for upcoming meeting dates. 

If you would like to support or object to a planning application at Planning Committee (PDF, 44.4 KB)  there is a separate process. 

Come to a meeting 

Most meetings are held in public and you are always welcome to come along and watch. No ticket is required and you do not need to tell us in advance. You may need to leave while a confidential issue is discussed and this will be clearly identified on the agenda for the meeting. 

Take part in a meeting 

 Ask a question 

  • You need to tell us you want to ask a question by midday on the third clear working day before the meeting by emailing your question to (see the meeting agenda for the specific date).
  • You can ask up to three questions.
  • The answer to your question will be published in advance and you can attend the meeting in person if you want to ask a follow up question.
  • The relevant Cabinet Member or Committee Chair will answer your follow up question at the meeting. 

 Present a petition or make a deputation 

  • If you want present a petition or make a deputation, you need to tell us by midday on the third clear working day before the meeting by emailing (see the meeting agenda for the specific date).
  • If your petition has more than 1,000 signatures, please give us more notice so that we can discuss the options with you.
  • At the meeting you will be able to speak for up to three minutes. 

For more information please email or telephone 01452 396203. 

Privacy Notice

If you want to take part in a meeting, we will collect and use your name, address and email address for the purposes of facilitating your involvement. Your name only will be shared during the meeting in order to introduce you, but will not be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Your personal data will ordinarily be destroyed after the meeting, but may be used to take action against any participant who deliberately misuses or disrupts the proceedings.