How to complain about a Councillor
Complaints alleging that Councillors have breached their Code of Conduct must be made to our Monitoring Officer who will review it.
They will then decide whether any action should be taken and if the matter should be referred to the Hearings Sub-Committee or the Audit and Governance Committee.
How to make a complaint
You will need to:
- download the complaint form (PDF, 113.7 KB)
- send the completed form to us by email or post
Post: The Monitoring Officer, Gloucester City Council, PO Box 2017, Pershore, WR10 9BJ
If you are unable to download and complete the complaint form please contact us on 01452 396396.
What should I include when making a complaint?
You should say which Councillor you are complaining about and why you think they are in breach of the Code of Conduct.
Include as much information as possible to support your complaint, including any documents which you would like us to consider.
Please make sure you read the Council's standards arrangements in the Part 4 of the Council's Constitution before submitting your complaint.
How will my complaint be dealt with?
If the Monitoring Officer finds that your complaint is valid, they will try to achieve an informal resolution to it which is acceptable to you.
If this is not possible, the matter can be referred to a Hearings Sub-Committee set up by the Council to hear complaints against Councillors.