Council Transparency

As part of the Government's drive to ensure local Councils are fully accountable for their spending they have introduced a Transparency agenda. This is to make data more readily available to the public and enable residents to hold local Councils to account over where the money goes and how it delivers its services.

This Council is committed to being as transparent as possible in how it spends tax payers' money and, as part of this, is publishing a range of information in line with the Local Government Transparency Code. However, where information is protected under the Data Protection Act or is deemed commercially sensitive then it is excluded or redacted accordingly in line with the guidance. Links to these areas of information can be found on this page.

All of the information published in accordance with this code is available for re-use under the terms of the Government Open Licence for public sector information, details of which can be found here: ​

If you have any queries about any of the information please email​.

Gloucester City Council Productivity Plan