Homeless after Leaving Hospital
If you're about to be discharged from hospital but have nowhere to stay
If you are concerned that you will be homeless following a stay in hospital, you need to get in touch with the hospital discharge team. Tell the nursing staff about your situation as soon as possible so they know you may be homeless on discharge. They will be able to make your situation known to the hospital discharge team.
The discharge team should refer you to the Homelessness Prevention Service or Adult Social Care at Gloucester City Council. The Prevention Team will assess your situation and work with you to find accommodation. If you have specialist housing needs, you will be referred to the Hospital Social Care Team or Adult Social Care.
Gloucester City Council’s reception area The Gateway will be closed to the public until further notice.
We will continue to provide our services as much as possible, so please contact us via email at heretohelp@gloucester.gov.uk or telephone 01452 396396 and choose the option you require for assistance.
We will prioritise urgent requests and ask people to bear with us at this time. We appreciate everyone’s understanding and cooperation.
If you're stuck in hospital due to accommodation not being suitable or specialist housing needs
If you have somewhere to return to but it needs to be adapted or you have specialist housing needs, the hospital discharge team should direct you to the Hospital Social Care Team and Adult Social Care.
If you're discharged from hospital and homeless
If you have been discharged from hospital and are homeless, get in touch with our Prevention Team.
Priority need for accommodation
Due to the Homelessness Reduction Act, you are not required to have priority need or a local connection to access the Homelessness Prevention Service. You should contact the service if you are threatened with homelessness within 56 days or are already homeless.
Priority need will only be taken into account to decide whether you are due interim accommodation under a Relief Duty or owed a Main Housing Duty.
You may have priority need if you are vulnerable due to a period in hospital for mental health treatment or treatment for a physical disability. Our Prevention Service can assess this. Find out more details.