Leaving Supported Accommodation: Priority Banding for Social Housing

f you're ready to live independently you can apply for a Move-on priority banding on Homeseeker Plus to get a planned move from care or supported accommodation into social housing in Gloucester City. 


You can apply if any of the following apply:

  • you're living in sheltered or supported housing which provides you with care, support or supervision
  • you're a care leaver

What you need to know

We will only consider awarding a Move-on priority banding for a planned move from care or supported accommodation to social housing if: 

  1. Your supported accommodation provider has completed a Move-on assessment which confirms that you are ready for independent living
  2. We accept that we are the appropriate local authority to re-house you. 

For more information see our Homeseeker Plus policy.

Information for support workers

When someone is living in accommodation based supported housing that is not in their home or lead authority area, there is an agreement between all local authorities within the Homeseeker Plus partnership that they will be reconnected back to their home area when ready to move on from the supported accommodation. Please discuss this with your client and outline all their housing options before putting an applicant forward for a Move-on priority banding to get social housing in Gloucester City. 

How to apply

You'll need to sign in or register for a Homeseeker Plus account to apply. 

You will need to:

  1. Download the Move-on nomination form (DOCX, 64 KB)

  2. Complete the nomination form with your support worker, they'll need to give details about the work you have done together and tell us if you have any remaining support needs.

  3. Sign in or register for a Homeseeker Plus account.

  4. Upload the nomination form. You can do this on the 'Add supporting documents to my application’ section of your account. You'll need to select 'Move on nomination form' as the document type. 

  5. Upload all other supporting evidence.

  6. Submit a change of circumstances form. You can do this on the 'Have your circumstances changed?' section of your account. You'll need to select 'leaving supported accommodation' as the reason. (You don’t need to do this if this is your first application on Homeseeker Plus)

Other ways to apply

We recommend you use Homeseeker Plus to apply, but we will accept nominations made by email. 

You will need to: 

Email: Homeseeker@gloucester.gov.uk

What happens next

We will:

  • aim to asses your application within 4 to 6 weeks
  • send the outcome of the assessment to you using the email address you provided on your application. Please check your junk or spam folder. 

Help with your application

Contact us if:

  • you have a question about how to complete the application
  • you are having difficulty uploading your documents
  • you cannot access your Homeseeker plus account
  • you have submitted an application but not had a reply within 6 weeks 

Phone: 01452 396 396


What to do if you disagree with the decision 

If you are not happy with any decisions made on your Move-on priority banding application, you can ask for the decision to be looked at again. For more information on how to do this see our Homeseeker Plus review process.