View our medical standards before booking an appointment. with your doctor.
If you develop a condition which could affect safe driving you must inform us immediately.
If you have meet our standards, arrange to have a full medical examination from your doctor - they must be registered or practising in the UK or in any other EC/EAA country.
If you have any doubts about your fitness please ask your doctor or optician for advice before the form is completed.
You should expect to pay for your medical report at your own expense. You may be required to undergo further medical examinations to prove your fitness to drive at your expense.
New applications will not be approved until your fitness to drive has been confirmed.
Renewals, or during your licence, should a medical condition develop, your licence maybe suspended, or not renewed pending the outcome of a further medical examinations.
Complete section 9 and 10 of the medical report whilst you are with the doctor.
Your medical report must be fully completed before submitting to us.