Health at Work Scheme
Health at Work is a voluntary, self-assessment scheme that is open to any organisation. It aims to improve well-being and reduce working days lost benefiting both individuals and the organisation.
The scheme is separated into three areas:
- Healthy eating
- Getting active
- Mental well-being
Introducing actions under each of these areas will contribute to improving well-being for all in your organisation. The scheme has three levels of achievement – bronze, silver and gold. Details of how you can achieve these can be found by following the links on this page.
What are the benefits to my organisation?
There is a growing body of evidence to show the financial benefits enjoyed by organisations that implement well-being programmes, including reduced sickness absence, improved productivity and reduced staff turnover.
Employers who promote health in the workplace report benefits including:
- Improved health of their employees
- A positive impact on stress and mental well-being
- Increased productivity
- Improved resilience
- Lower rates of absenteeism and quicker return to work after illness
- Fewer injuries in the workplace, including a positive impact on back pain
- Greater staff retention and commitment
- Improvements in communication, morale and working atmosphere
- A positive corporate image
The principal resource for Health at Work is the British Heart Foundations (BHF) Health at Work toolkit. The toolkit is available for free from
Additional resources