Queen's Baton route announced!

The Baton’s journey brings together and celebrates communities across the Commonwealth during the build up to 11 days of show-stopping sport at the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games.
The relay began on 7 October last year at Buckingham Palace, when The Queen placed her message to the Commonwealth onto the Baton. It is travelling for a total 294 days visiting all nations and territories of the Commonwealth.
The Baton’s epic journey has seen it visit Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania, the Caribbean, and the Americas, before returning to England in July 2022 for the final countdown to the Commonwealth Games.
It will then travel around England for 25 days, before the Relay officially ends at the Opening Ceremony of the Commonwealth Games on Thursday 28 July.
Cllr Andy Lewis, cabinet member for culture and leisure at Gloucester City Council, said: “It’s a great honour for Gloucester to be hosting the Queen’s Baton Relay as excitement builds ahead of the 2022 Commonwealth Games in Birmingham. I would encourage residents and visitors alike to come and see this symbol of hope, solidarity and collaboration across the Commonwealth.”
Caroline Kendall, Canal & River Trust community engagement manager: “We’ve been delighted to be part of the Queen’s Baton Relay. This has been such a special day, connecting communities across the region, nation and, of course, the Commonwealth. So it’s apt to have hosted some of the baton’s journey on a part of a waterway network that is central to many communities, Gloucester Docks. We’re transporting baton and Batonbearer on one of our Canal & River Trust canoes. This is more usually used by people enjoying leisure time on the water but we’re proud to have it now carrying a very special and precious item.”
The Baton’s route – Tuesday 5 July
(The following times are estimates and are subject to change.)
- 5pm: The route begins on the Gloucester & Sharpness Canal, next to Gloucestershire College.
- The boat arrives at Barge Arm, the Baton bearer will then proceed to Orchard Square.
- Baton bearer exits Gloucester Docks via Kimbrose Steps.
- The Baton will then pass along the following streets: Southgate Street, The Cross, Westgate Street, Cathedral Grounds, St Johns Lane, and St Aldate Street.
- 5:30pm: Route ends at Kings Square. The Mayor of Gloucester Cllr Howard Hyman, will greet the Baton bearer.
- 5:30pm – 6:30pm: Celebration event at Kings Square. Performances by Maisie Gaffney and Chez from the Music Works, as well as GL1 sports activities including ‘have a go tennis’ for families and other sporting activities.
Who are Gloucester’s Baton bearers?
Lorraine Shaw
Lorraine represented England at World Championships, Olympics and Commonwealth Games (winning a silver medal in 1998, gold in 2002 and bronze in 2006 for Hammer Throwing). She now teaches Sport at Gloucestershire College and gives all her free time to help others, whether it be training young athletes or running fitness classes for colleagues. Lorraine cooks and serves meals at the local homeless charity in Gloucester and is always looking for opportunities to support local charities and encouraging others to get involved too.
Hashim Norat
Hash runs an organisation called Gloucester Feed the Hungry. Set up just over 5 years ago to provide hot meals, free haircuts, clothing and toiletries to the homeless and vulnerable in our community. Also a full time foodbank volunteer and in the past two years have served over 15,000 meals and over 3,000 free food parcels to the homeless, vulnerable and those needing a helping hand. Recently hash started a daily hot food programme with approximately 3,500 meals served in the past two months. All this is done with Hash having a full time job.
Daniel Rosenberg
Daniel trains with his daughter in Gloucester. In January he took part in a running challenge with Football Club (Barnwood United) raising over £800 for eating disorders charity (109 miles). Daniel says it’s an honour to represent Sports Video Group / NEP UK at the Commonwealth Games.