City council reaches out to city’s landlords

The council wants to build strong relationships with landlords and offers a Landlord Incentive Scheme to provide a stress free service that will match landlords and prospective tenants and support them throughout the tenancy.
The incentives include a free property health and safety inspection to advise on the relevant housing regulations that need to be met, such as gas and electrical tests.
The scheme also offers a range of financial incentives for a 12-month tenancy, including supporting the tenant’s deposit and first month’s rent, lump sum rent payments for self-contained accommodation and contributions towards insurance.
So far the council has successfully matched over 50 households with landlords but more properties are needed.
Ruth Saunders, Corporate Director at Gloucester City Council, said: “We want to hear from local landlords so that we can match them with tenants and we will support them for the duration of the tenancy. We offer a variety of financial incentives to landlords and give a helping hand to those people who might not otherwise be able to get into a rental property.”
Joe Watts, a landlord from Gloucester, said: “The team make things extremely easy from a landlord’s perspective. They take the stress out of sourcing quality tenants, eliminate the need for costly agent fees, and offer incredible financial incentives to work with them. Their communication and support is unmatched. I would definitely recommend it.”
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