Neighbourhood Planning
Neighbourhood planning is a key part of the Government’s Localism Agenda. It aims to give local communities greater power to shape development in their area. Neighbourhood planning can be used for a variety of purposes. For example, it can be used to:
Neighbourhood planning is a key part of the Government’s Localism Agenda. It aims to give local communities greater power to shape development in their area. Neighbourhood planning can be used for a variety of purposes. For example, it can be used to:
- Identify where new homes, shops and industrial units should be built.
- Give communities a say on what new buildings look like.
- Grant planning permission for new development that a community wants.
Local communities now have the right to prepare their own statutory neighbourhood planning documents. These can include Neighbourhood Development Plans, Neighbourhood Development Orders and Community Right to Build Orders.
Neighbourhood planning cannot promote a lower level of development than is set out in the strategic policies of Local Plan. Neighbourhood planning is very much intended as a tool for shaping development, not halting development or stifling economic growth.
The following links to external websites may also provide useful information:
Government Guidance: Making a Neighbourhood Plan
Neighbourhood Planning Advice by Locality
The Planning Portal
Department for Communities and Local Government: A Plain English Guide to the Localism Bill 2011 (PDF, 305.3 KB)
Hempsted Neighbourhood Area
There is one designated neighbourhood planning area within the city. This neighbourhood planning area was designated on 08/01/2014 by planning committee. There is no longer a designated neighbourhood forum representing this neighbourhood area.
Map of Hempsted Neighbourhood Area (PDF, 768.4 KB)
Making an Application
We strongly recommend talking to a member of the Planning Policy team prior to making an application.
To apply to become a Neighbourhood Forum please download and complete the form below.
Neighbourhood Forum Application Form (DOCX, 53.2 KB)
For more information please contact the Planning Policy Team on 01452 396 396 or