Legal Agreements

Copies of City Council Legal Agreements can be found on the City Council’s website via public access

If you have difficulty locating a copy of any legal agreements please email us and we will happily provide you copies within 10 working days.

Please contact the departments below for copies of the following agreements;

Agreement Authority Contact Email
City Council S106 Agreements Gloucester City Council
County Council S106 Agreements Gloucestershire County Council

S38 Gloucestershire County Highways

If you want to know if a Gloucester City Council Section 106 Agreement has been complied with, please email a completed form (DOCX, 50.7 KB) and confirmation of payment (£24.00, inclusive of VAT) to


How to pay

You may pay online

All fees must be settled before we dispatch the results


Kingsway - residential properties

There are no outstanding issues and the requirements under the Undertakings with the City Council, have so far been met, but will continue to apply until all construction on the whole development site is complete and beyond. However none of the obligations within those Undertakings are enforceable against any individual owner or occupier of a residential unit, or their mortgagee.