Economic Growth Strategy 2019-2022

Gloucester City Centre Vision 2023 - 2028

The Gloucester City Centre Commission undertook the preparation of a vision for the city centre during 2022, drawing on the input of a broad range of local stakeholders and national expertise. It describes a modern place that builds on Gloucester’s current and ongoing regeneration successes and tackles the underlying problems and issues affecting the city centre.  The Vision was endorsed by the City Council at a meeting of Cabinet in March 2023, and it underpins future strategies as well as bids for external funding. 

At its heart it describes:

By 2028 Gloucester city centre will be an attractive, safe and vibrant place where people come together, and enterprise and nature thrive.

It will be transformed from a centre based on traditional retail to one that is repopulated with residents, workers and visitors enjoying a variety of experiences throughout the day and night. Business will sit at its heart with a diverse community of small businesses in growing sectors of the economy.

It will be full of nature, with accessible green spaces within and adjacent to the city centre, and well-designed development playing its part towards reaching zero carbon.

Above all it will be Gloucester – proud of its unique heritage, culture and identity.

Gloucester Growth Plan

The City Council is currently drafting a Growth Plan that will set out how the City Council and its partners intend to deliver the city’s growth agenda. The draft will be completed in early 2024 and will then be subject to consultation with local stakeholders, including businesses and partner organisations.

If you would like to receive further information on business matters in the city, or if you have any further questions about this strategy, please email us at

Further Links

Gloucester City Centre Vision: Your city. Your say.