Report Anti-Social Behaviour

If the crime is happening now or you're in immediate danger call 999


What you need to know

Everyone has the right to feel safe in their own homes and neighbourhoods. The Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 seeks to put victims first, giving power to local people and enabling professionals to find the best solutions for their local area. The act provides the police, local authorities and other local agencies with a range of flexible tools and powers that they can use to respond quickly and effectively to anti-social behaviour.

Anti-social behaviour (ASB) is unacceptable. It includes behaviour that causes harm to:

  • the environment, like graffiti, accumulations of litter or drug paraphernalia
  • the community, like noise pollution, drunken behaviour or drug taking
  • an individual, like threatening language or aggressive behaviour

What we do

Solace a specialist multi agency team will review:

  • community safety and anti-social behaviour – problems in communal green spaces or residential areas, or for problems that have an effect on a wider collection of the public
  • domestic anti-social behaviour – of a more targeted nature as opposed to one affecting the wider community
  • begging – individuals or groups engaged in begging activities in and around the city centre
  • public drinking – groups or individuals engaged in public drinking in and around the city centre

What we don't do

If either you, or the person responsible for causing ASB are a housing association tenant you should report it to the relevant estate management service. The housing association have a duty to investigate and resolve ASB within their properties.

Complaints of criminal damage relating to ASB or incidents where threats of violence are made should be reported directly to the police.

If there is a problem with rough sleepers you need to contact street link.


Action you can take

If you're experiencing ASB, you could try and talk to the person causing the problem. They may not realise they're being anti-social. Only do this if you feel safe and comfortable.

If you're concerned about talking to the person and would like some support, you can contact Restorative Gloucestershire, their services are confidential, impartial and free. They're an independent organisation, separate from local authority or the police, and have trained specialists who can help people to resolve issues related to ASB through coaching, mediation and restorative justice.


How to make a report

Contact us

For the removal and disposal of discarded syringes, other drug related items and human waste in public places.

Report drugs equipment and human waste

If there is an immediate and serious threat to safety phone us on 01452 396 396

Other ways to make a report

If you cannot make a report online, please phone us on 01452 396 396


What do I do if the problem has not been resolved?

If you have already reported anti-social behaviour to the Council, Police or housing provider and don't feel enough action has been taken you can ask Restorative Gloucestershire to review your case.