Disabled Reduction
A discount may apply if the property has been adapted for a disabled person (adult or child).
Do I qualify?
You can apply for a disabled reduction if the person with the disability lives in the property as their main home.
The property must have one of the following:
- a room used by the disabled person for a special reason, for example, dialysis equipment (not a bathroom, kitchen or toilet)
- an extra bathroom or kitchen for the use of the disabled person
- extra floor space inside for the disabled person to use a wheelchair. Wheelchairs for outside use only are excluded.
How much will I save?
If you qualify, the Council tax for the property will be charged at the rate of one valuation band lower. For example, if your property is in band C you will pay the Council Tax for band B. Properties in band A can still get a reduction.
How do I apply?
You can upload your application form through My Gloucester if you've linked your Council Tax account.
How to link your account?
First you'll need to sign up to My Gloucester and sign in, then you can link your Council Tax account.
Already registered?
Download and complete the form and send to us at revenues@gloucester.gov.uk. You must include the Council Tax account reference number in your email to us and the word reference in the subject of your email. For example 'Reference [Your Council Tax number]'
Download and complete the form and send to us at Gloucester City Revenues & Benefits, Eastgate Management Suite, Eastgate Street, Gloucester, GL1 1PA