Gypsy and Traveller Sites
Whilst Gloucester does not have any permanent Gypsy and Traveller sites, the council does have a duty to look after the welfare of people in unauthorised encampments. We do this by working with the County Council, the Police, and other specialist agencies.
We work closely with the Gypsy and Traveller Services at Gloucestershire County Council, and we adhere to their countywide policy when working with Gypsy and Traveller groups.
Unauthorised Encampments
Gloucester City Council follow a strict protocol to manage unauthorised encampments, which has been written in accordance with legal statute, Government guidance and the Countywide Gypsy and Traveller policy for Gloucestershire.
When an unauthorised encampment appears, we will visit the site and speak those present. We will also confirm the ownership of the land and aim to contact the landowner if it is privately owned. Only the legal owner can take action to remove an unauthorised encampment on their land, so Gloucester City Council can only act in cases which occur on land owned by us. Private landlords have different powers available them and may choose whether to enact them.
On our land, we will deal with any issues regarding unauthorised encampments in the most appropriate manner, ensuring that the welfare of the settled and travelling communities are considered equally in any decisions made. Where an encampment is on private land, we may still be involved in an advisory capacity, but we have no jurisdiction to enforce action from the landowner.
Gloucester City Council does not have a comprehensive standalone Gypsy and Traveller Policy as we adhere to the County Council’s, as do all other districts in Gloucestershire. The County policy is currently under review, and a link to it will be published here once the document is complete. Our Unauthorised Encampment Policy is currently being updated in line with the County review, and will also be published here once complete.
The responsibility to manage unauthorised encampments sits with our Neighbourhood Services Team.
To report an unauthorised encampment, you can contact Gloucester City Council on 01452 396396 or email
Alternatively, you may wish to fill in the County Council’s online form (use Unauthorised site or encampment from their list of options).