Tattooing, Piercing, Acupuncture & Electrolysis Registration

There are a number of hazards associated with tattooing and skin piercing activities including bacterial infection and the transmission of blood-borne viruses such as hepatitis B/C and HIV.

Because of this, any person carrying out any of the following activities are required to register with the city council:

  • cosmetic piercing (piercing of any part of the body, including the ear)
  • semi-permanent skin-colouring (micropigmentation, semi-permanent make-up and temporary tattooing (not henna tattooing))
  • electrolysis
  • acupuncture
  • tattooing

Registration will depend on compliance with our byelaws (PDF, 114.6 KB)

The byelaws specify standards for the cleanliness of the premises and the competence of people engaged in tattooing, acupuncture and related activities.

More information on how to register a premises or a person please contact the Community Wellbeing team by phoning 01452 396 396 or

The fee is currently £128 for registration of the premises and £128 per person.

Download the premises application form. (DOC, 94.5 KB)

Download the personal application form (DOC, 94.5 KB) .

Payment can be made by following page e-paycapita

Please choose miscellaneous payments and then health and safety income.  

Alternatively you may pay over the phone on 01452 396057. 

For further, comprehensive guidance on tattooing and body piercing the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) along with other organisations have produced the tattooing and body piercing guidance toolkit. This toolkit is designed to provide expert advice on safe and hygienic tattooing and body piercing practices.

The city council is also a member of the Tattoo Hygiene Rating Scheme. This is a voluntary scheme aimed at improving standards of tattooists and allowing the public to choose a tattooist that meets high standards of hygiene. More information about this scheme.