Homeless or Threatened with Homelessness

It is our duty to help those people who are sleeping rough, are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.

Every local authority should help homeless people in the same way. The rules are set out in the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017

If you are homeless in Gloucester

Please contact us via email at heretohelp@gloucester.gov.uk or telephone 01452 396 396 and choose the option you require for assistance.

We will prioritise urgent requests and ask people to bear with us at this time. We appreciate everyone’s understanding and cooperation.

Threatened with homelessness (PDF, 1 MB)

Housing Options

Renting Privately (PDF, 119.1 KB)

Report a tenancy issue

We are able to provide support with your housing needs for:

  • rent arrears
  • eviction notice
  • property condition
  • landlord relationship
  • anti-social behaviour

Report a tenancy issue

Tenancy rescue scheme

The Tenancy Rescue and Homelessness Prevention initiative is to prevent people at risk of being made homeless from losing their homes.

Tenancy Rescue (DOCX, 29.2 KB)

You may also seek independent advice from the following organisations:

National Homelessness Advice Service

Website: www.nhas.org.uk

Local Welfare Reform Fund (Grant Fund)

Phone: 0330 123 5550

Website: www.gloucestershire.gov.uk

Children's Services

Children's Social Care – assistance for children and young people

Phone : 01452 426 565

Website: https://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/health-and-social-care/children-young-people-and-families/contact-children-and-families-services/

Citizens Advice Bureau

Independent advice on housing, debt, welfare benefits and other legal issues.

Phone: 01452 527 202

Website: www.gloucestercab.org.uk/

Gloucester City Council Benefits Service

Advice and assistance to claim housing benefits for rent and council tax.

Phone : 01452 396 483

Emergency out of Hours Team

For emergency out of hours homeless assistance – contact the Emergency Duty Team.

Phone : 01414 869 655

GDASS - Domestic Abuse Support Service

Domestic Abuse Support Service. Free confidential advice, support and information on domestic violence.

Phone :  0845 602 9035

Website: www.gdass.org.uk/

Gloucester Law Centre

Independent advice on housing, welfare benefits, eligibility and other legal issues

Phone : 01452 423 492

Website: www.gloucesterlawcentre.co.uk/

Gloucester Nightstop

This is a scheme that offers emergency overnight accommodation in the homes of volunteer hosts for young single people aged between 16-25.

Phone : 01452 331 330

Website: www.gloucestershirenightstop.org.uk/


Housing Related Support

Phone: 0300 365 2002

Head Office Contact details: 0300 365 8999 or 01242 228 999

Website:  http://glos.p3charity.org/

Job Centre Plus

Advice and assistance to claim benefits for living costs.

Phone : 0800 169 0190

Website: los.direct.gov.uk/


Single homeless direct referral hostel – Tel: 08081 786 003

Website: www.p3charity.org

Youth Housing Advice Service Duty Desk

Housing Advice and assistance for young people aged 16-19 and Care Leavers

Phone : 01452 551 276

​CGL – Gloucestershire Drug and Alcohol Service

Get free confidential support to manage issues around drugs, alcohol and other substances for adults (including offenders), families, carers and affected others

Phone :  01452 223 014

Royal British Legion

Lifelong support for the Armed Forces community – serving men, women, veterans and their families

Phone: 0808 802 8080