Downings Malthouse Merchants Road 2200521LBC
The following documents relate to the validated application of 22/00563/FUL Downings Malthouse Merchants Road:
2200563FUL Covering Letter and Application Form (PDF, 781.9 KB)
2200563FUL Plans Pack (PDF, 47.5 MB)
2200563FUL SUPINFO FRA Report (PDF, 7.3 MB)
2200563FUL SUPINFO Phase II Report (PDF, 6.3 MB)
2200563FUL SUPINFO Acoustic Design Criteria (PDF, 327 KB)
2200563FUL SUPINFO Bakers Quay Fig 7 Viewpoint Photos (PDF, 22 MB)
2200563FUL SUPINFO Bat Assessment Report (PDF, 6.5 MB)
2200563FUL SUPINFO Condition 35 response (PDF, 321.7 KB)
2200563FUL SUPINFO Condition Survey (PDF, 29.4 MB)
2200563FUL SUPINFO Construction Method Statement (PDF, 351.7 KB)
2200563FUL SUPINFO Design and Access Statement (PDF, 14.9 MB)
2200563FUL SUPINFO Desktop Study (PDF, 36.1 MB)
2200563FUL SUPINFO Energy Strategy (PDF, 5.5 MB)
2200563FUL SUPINFO Environmental Management Scheme (PDF, 158.3 KB)
2200563FUL SUPINFO Environmental Management Scheme (2) (PDF, 174.9 KB)
2200563FUL SUPINFO Fig 1 SL Plan (PDF, 3.3 MB)
2200563FUL SUPINFO Heritage Statement (PDF, 17.8 MB)
2200563FUL SUPINFO MEP Overview Strategy (PDF, 6.8 MB)
2200563FUL SUPINFO Noise Impact Assessment (PDF, 2.4 MB)
2200563FUL SUPINFO Parking Management Strategy (PDF, 1.2 MB)
2200563FUL SUPINFO Residential Travel Plan Rev B (PDF, 1.7 MB)
2200563FUL SUPINFO Schedule of Accommodation - 05.05.22 (PDF, 588.4 KB)
2200563FUL SUPINFO SUDS Maintenance Statement (PDF, 2.5 MB)
2200563FUL SUPINFO Transport Statement (PDF, 2.2 MB)
2200563FUL SUPINFO Visual Impact Assessment (PDF, 2.6 MB)