Environmental Crime: Our Approach

What do the environmental crime officers do?

Environmental Crime Officers tackle environmental crime in Gloucester by investigating and prosecuting individuals who break the law.
Issues they tackle include:

  • Trade waste
  • Fly tipping
  • Fly posting
  • Littering
  • Dog fouling
  • Graffiti


How to make a report

If you see items that have been fly-tipped or want to report any other environmental crime issue tell us and we'll investigate further.

Report it

Other ways to make a report

If you cannot make a report online, please phone us on 01452 396 396


How should I legally dispose of bulky household waste?


Fines and Punishment

When a environmental offence is reported our team of officers will investigate the issue. When evidence is found officers are able to give out fixed penalty notices up to £400.00.

Fixed Penalty Notices are designed to Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) are designed to give an offender the opportunity to discharge any liability to conviction for an offence - which means that by admitting the offence and paying the fine, an offender can avoid being prosecuted for that offence. In the case of failure to pay the fine the council will draft an Enforcement File that recommend you be prosecuted for fly tipping.