Pre-application advice
Delays to the pre-application advice service
We have received a significant increase in the number of planning applications recent months and this is our impacting our pre-application advice service. Therefore, while we will endeavour to deal with pre-applications as quickly as possible, currently we are unable to provide pre-application advice within the timescales set out in service services standards document below.
We offer a charged Pre-application service. See below for more information about how to apply.
- Ensures your planning application is prepared for submission
- Gloucester City Council will provide timely and consistent levels of advice
- To understand how planning policies and guidance will be applied in relation to your development
- Identifies at an early stage if there is a need for specialist input, e.g. listed buildings, trees, landscape, noise, transport, contaminated land, ecology and archaeology
How to apply for Pre-application advice
Complete the application form and mail to together with supporting information/appropriate plans and requisite fee.
Pre-Application form (DOCX, 43 KB)
Permitted Development Query: Householder Application Form (DOCX, 53.9 KB)
General principles application 10 to 50+ dwellings (DOCX, 41.8 KB)
Please read all service standards (PDF, 141.2 KB) and fee scales 2024 -2025 (PDF, 270 KB) before submitting the application.
Pay for your pre-application advice online.
No application will be considered until full payment has been received.
Our new pre-application fees come into effect on 1 April (PDF, 99.2 KB)
Please note that pre-application advice does not guarantee a positive outcome for your formal planning application. This service provides you with information to help you prepare an application that is more likely to succeed. We make every effort to provide accurate information based on the information you provide. Each proposal is considered on its own merits.
Planning Performance Agreements (PPA)
For major applications, we encourage applicants to use planning performance agreements (PPA). A PPA is an agreement between a local planning authority and an applicant and provides a project management framework for handling major planning applications. Further information is available on Planning Performance Agreement Guidance Note (DOCX, 25.1 KB).