Adopted Development Plan
The adopted Local Plan is the Joint Core Strategy (2017), Gloucester City Plan 2011-2031 (2023) and the remaining saved policies of the City of Gloucester Local Plan (1983).
Joint Core Strategy 2011-2031
Joint Core Strategy 2011 - 2031 (2017) document (PDF, 10.5 MB)
Gloucester City Plan 2011-2031
Gloucester City Plan 2011 -2031 (Adopted 2023) High Resolution (PDF, 25.8 MB)
Gloucester City Plan 2011 -2031 (Adopted 2023) Low Resolution (PDF, 5.7 MB)
The policies map will be amended to take account of a boundary change at 67-69 London Road. The correct boundary can be found in the Gloucester City Plan 2011-2031.
For details of the full Gloucester City Plan process please visit.
Minerals, Waste and Neighbourhood Development Plans
The development plan also includes the Minerals Local Plan for Gloucestershire, the Gloucestershire Waste Core Strategy and any made Neighbourhood Development Plans (currently no NDPs have been made in the city).
Saved City of Gloucester Local Plan (1983)
Schedule of Saved Policies (PDF, 135.2 KB)
City of Gloucester Local Plan (1983)
Supplementary Planning Documents
The following supplementary planning documents have been adopted by the council for the purposes of development control.