Housing & Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA)

The Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) (formerly referred to as the Strategic Assessment of Land Availability (SALA)) is one of a number of technical evidence base documents that will inform the preparation of the Cheltenham, Gloucester and Tewkesbury Strategic and Local Plan (the ‘SLP'). The purpose of the HELAA is to assist in identifying suitable land which is available for housing and economic development to meet an identified need; to consider the development potential and when development is likely to occur. 

The inclusion of land within HELAA assessments has no planning weight and does not in itself determine whether a site should be granted planning permission or allocated in a development plan for development. Assessments made through a HELAA are indicative only and do not prejudice assessments made through the development plan or planning application processes or preclude them from being developed for other purposes. Decisions on whether sites are allocated for a specified land use are made through Local Plans or Neighbourhood Plans. 

HELAA documents and maps are available under the ‘Site Assessments’ heading on the SLP website via this link: Evidence and Documents (strategiclocalplan.org) 

Proposed sites for development can be submitted at any time and this should be done via the form on the SLP website: HELAA Submission Form (strategiclocalplan.org)

Forms should be fully completed and emailed to: info@strategiclocalplan.org

For more information, or to specifically discuss sites in Gloucester City please contact David Ingleby david.ingleby@gloucester.gov.uk  or by telephone 01452 396 861.

Gloucester’s historic SALA assessments are available below.

SALA 2019 (PDF, 7.2 MB)

SALA 2018 (PDF, 15.2 MB)

Previous SALAs can be found in the Archive