Street Parties for King's Coronation

Celebrate with a street party!

King Charles III's Coronation will take place on Saturday 6 May 2023 at Westminster Abbey in London.

To celebrate the Coronation, Communities around Gloucester may want to celebrate the Kings Coronation, over the UK bank holiday weekend, Saturday 6 May to Monday 8 May 2023. The Coronation Big Lunch will take place across the country on Sunday 7 May 2023. 

Street Parties offer a simple way to celebrate, connect with your neighbours, and feel part of your community.

In the vast majority of cases, no licences will be required. However, you may need to apply to Gloucestershire County Council Highways for a road closure (see below).

Road Closures

Applications to close roads must be made to Gloucestershire County Council Highways through a Street Works licence (Special Events Application).

Please note that County specify, All Kings Coronation Special Events applications need to be received prior to 3rd April 2023.



Gloucester City Council is responsible for issuing a range of licences including for the sale of alcohol, charitable collections and street trading. For the vast majority of street parties, no licences will be required.

Below is an overview of the relevant licensing requirements to help event organisers assess their events.

  • Retail sale of alcohol – You will need a licence if you are going to sell, by retail, alcohol. This does not include “bring your own” or any other circumstance where alcohol is supplied. If you are planning to sell alcohol, you will need to submit a Temporary Event Notice application.
  • Street trading – If you plan to set up stalls or offer to sell items to the wider public as part of your event, you will need to make an application for Street Trading consent. This will not apply if any selling of items is restricted to a closed event or limited to your street or party attendees.
  • Charitable collections – If you are planning to collect money for charity at your event, you will need to apply for a Street Collection Charity collections. These permits cost nothing and in most cases you will need to just submit the application form to us.